Mike’s Journey To Being Cured…

The story of Mike Grier.

I am not a story that will create big news, but I am a story that says being cured happened for me. It required my treating physician’s knowledge along with my countless hours of studying and learning as well to put an end to this disease. I contracted Lyme Disease in early 2013 archery hunting in West Texas. I started off as many others do going from doctor to doctor with an autoimmune diagnosis of unknown origin and treatment with steroids that I never took because I felt there was more to it than that.

I had the medical and scientific knowledge from undergraduate biology and chemistry, followed by a D.D.S. degree in 1986. I remember while in college, the media coverage when Lyme Connecticut had the outbreak and the government and medical profession only increased the downplay of the disease for years to follow in efforts to cover for Plum Island’s Lab 257. Nearly 40 yrs later I learned that the government and the medical associations created the hypochondria in patients with this dreadful disease, keeping the blame away from them. My personal beliefs from a biological and medical background the biological warfare at Plum Island with the mind of a post 3rd Reich scientist, hybridized the European strain of Borrelia to resist the pharmaceuticals that we had to kill it.

When I finally came to the possible conclusion that I might have Lyme disease, I had the rash, the joint aches, and then brain fog from the neuroborreliosis. I was a classic case by medical books and still could not get any doctor to test me for it. I even told two specialists that they might want to test for an insect vector disease. Still no action by either to search further for a definitive diagnosis. I finally found a physician that had Lyme experience. I was tested via several methods and he came to the diagnosis with no doubts. I started with the IVs, IGG shots, followed by LDI. I began doing proactive things like cardio exercise daily, nutritional changes, and finally, I had found some bio-scientific research publications on the bactericidal activity of BMT enzyme that binds the needed Manganese trace metal that is used when Borrelia replicates and uses in its cell membrane. Loratadine was the only safe one found by these bioscience computer geeks that ran a molecular search of chemicals that would do this. I put myself on a regimen of it for several days, then paused it for several days as well. I then repeated the regimen while restricting foods and other items i may ingest with manganese content.

The symptoms started leaving, but the last ones were the brain fog and major joint infection. The LDI treatment and the Loratadine combined. It took a year and a half but now it’s gone. I do believe God made us superior to all other living things on earth. I want others that suffer from this disease to know there was a cure for me and hope they find the same.


When All Signs Point To Lyme…


Lou’s Story